As many of you already know, Quantus is the proud founder of Community Key and a percentage of every mortgage funded through Quantus goes to families in need. We are very passionate about our charity, so we like to share some of the stories of families assisted by Community Key.
The most recent family Community Key helped was the Warren family (Jennifer, Chris and Bently).
When Warren family received the cheque from Community Key, they had just arrived in Edmonton that afternoon and Bently was scheduled for surgery early the following morning.
Bently's Story:
Last February, Bently went through open airway reconstructive surgery where a graft from his rib was inserted to open his airways, and he had a 10% chance of survival. Having pulled through the surgery, the Warren family hoped that it was the last one, but unfortunately, his health started to deteriorate again.
Chris took off work because he didn’t know the chances of his son’s survival and hasn’t found work since moving back home. Their 11 yr old daughter stayed at home this trip because it was too much for her to do another trip. Additionally, the hospitals in Vermillion and Lloydminster don’t have the equipment Bently needs in order to breathe during an episode. Bently has stopped breathing 7 times in the past so it was crucial to be around lifesaving equipment in Edmonton.
Luckily, a room opened at the Ronald McDonald House (by the Children’s Hospital in Edmonton), last minute before the surgery so they could be close to Bently throughout his procedure.
Bently was scheduled for his 8th surgery to explore what was obstructing his airways, and whether removing his tonsils and adenoids would help. This was the families 3rd Valentine’s Day they had spent in the hospital with Bently. They didn’t know the survival rate or what the outcome would be.
I'm thrilled to report that the surgery went very well! The surgeon did remove his adenoids which they hope will improve his breathing.
For more information about Community Key, visit their website: KEYED.CA