Financial Calculators
Our calculators will help you find out when you are ready to buy a home, what you can afford to buy, and the best way for you to pay down your mortgage. We have developed a range of tools and other resources to help you make informed decisions about buying a home, obtaining a mortgage, and managing a mortgage.
Bi-weekly Payment
This calculator shows you the possible savings by using an accelerated bi-weekly mortgage payment.
Save Million Dollars
Find out when your savings plan will make you a millionaire!
Mortgage Payoff
Save thousands of dollars in interest by increasing your monthly mortgage payment.
Rent vs. Buy Calculator
Are you better off buying your home, or should you continue to rent?
Life Insurance
Find out how much life insurance you really need!
Mortgage Qualifier
This calculator helps you determine just how much house you can afford.
Home Budget
Analyze your budget, see where your money goes and find out where you can improve!
Mortgage Calculator
Use this calculator to determine your monthly payment and amortization schedule.
Mortgage Compare
Use this calculator to compare mortgage terms, rates and amounts. Let us help you decide which loan is better for you.
Disability Insurance
Use this calculator to determine how much disability insurance you may need to cover expenses if you are unable to work due to illness or injury.